A Company name: Choose your unique company name. You can check it here: https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/.If your company is a private limited company, it must end with “Limited” or “Ltd”.
An office with a registered address. A registered office address must be provided to Companies House. This must be a physical address — not a PO box — and is where your official documents (from HMRC and Companies House) will be sent.
Type of Business (SIC code) - SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) codes depict the nature of your business and proposed activities.
Director details: Full name, Date of birth (must be at least 16 years old), Occupation, Nationality Residential address (this does not go on the public register), Service address (this will be on the public record and accessible via the Companies House website by anyone)
Shareholders details
If you have all the information ready, contact us today and within 48 hours you will receive the digital Certificate of Incorporation.